Sunday, January 10, 2010

Superhero Girl

There is this song by a band called Eve 6 called Superhero Girl. The song is probably about 10 years old but I love it. It's more about some nerdy guy to scared to tell some girl how he feels about her but lately it's become my anthem.

These last few months have been very trying and since the boy's dad decided to have some kind of mental episode I have been doing it all myself. I don't begrudge anyone with anxiety or depression at all but this has come at a time when he knows I am on my way out the door and it seems to be a way to keep me here. I sent him to his parents for the week to try and get his head straight before he has an appointment with a therapist, all the boys know is that daddy doesn't feel good and he went to Grammy and Grampy's to rest.

So its just me. Luckily I have a fantastic boss who rearranged my schedule so I can get out early and get the boys from daycare every day for the next couple weeks.

I dusted off my ol superhero cape and have been going to town. I have no family in the area so I have called upon some dear friends to help out. The boys played at one friends house yesterday morning while I grocery shopped and then we have planned on getting things around for the next day tonight to make the mornings go smoother.

We shoveled the driveway yesterday, and I cleaned and played with the boys today. I am in a good mood but tired. Maybe this is my practice run for single motherdom.

Every once in awhile I feel a like I just want to cry but I keep telling myself that I have nothing to cry about. I am strong and I can take care of things. Things may not go like I planned all the time but I will adjust.

I am Superhero Girl.

1 comment:

  1. Keep wearing that cape! Sounds like you are 'making do' just fine, so keep up the great work. Honestly, I hope that man 'pulls his head out of his...' so your family can stay together, but I commend you for taking charge of the situation. Wishing you all the best!
