Thursday, February 24, 2011

Skinny Bitches in Cute clothes

I'm pissed. I started Weight Watchers two weeks ago and I have only lost less than a pound. Granted I wasn't as fat as I thought I was but still. I didn't even want to do it but my friend coerced me into it because she needed the support. I know I need to lose weight. I know I need more exercise. I don't necessarily think I eat "bad". I don't scarf candy and ice cream and cookies on a daily basis. I try to stick to diet Coke and water mainly. I love fruits and vegetables and would rather eat whole wheat anything than eat white bread or pasta.

I need to get off my ass. I sit on it for about 8 hours a day. I can't wait for it to get warmer so I can get outside. I worked out this last week to no avail, but think part of the reason is that bitch Mother Nature sneaking up on me. I am bloated is all we will say.

What really "tans my hide" is the chick leading the meetings. She herself is a former fattie who now coaches people into eating healthier, taking off the weight, blah, blah, blah. She is a damn twig. It's really hard on the ol self-esteem to step on the scale, basically be told that nothing changed from the last week then sit there through a meeting with someone whose thighs look smaller than my arms tell me how to eat and lose weight. My attitude worsens. All I can do is look at her and think, there is no way she actually eats anymore. I think I would do better with a person who was a little on the heavier side cheering me on than twig girl sashaying around the room.

I am so tired of seeing skinny people in cute clothes knowing that even though I can wear the same clothes, they just don't look the same on me. I know there is that skinny girl in me who is dying to get out, dress hot and totally destroy every man in her path. (Sorry, off topic)
I am going to do it. This year. By the end of this year. Not just because I just got divorced. Not just because my 20 year high school reunion this year. And not even because some hateful person I know is losing weight and I refuse to let her be skinnier than me. I just have to do it. I am tired of looking like this. Period.


  1. You can do it Heather! I did it and I'm always around for support and advice when you need it:) I think I look the best I ever have but I never would have if I gave up. I've known lots of people that have had good success with Weight Watchers. I, personally, work better with doing things on my terms, not someone else's.

  2. Sounds like you're off to a passionate start! I wish you all the best in getting to that place where you feel sexy when you look in the mirror, no matter what you are wearing. It's coming, my dear! Get ready!
