I always wonder what my parents did to raise three very giving considerate children. Really, not to toot my own horn but somehow they imparted on us the desire to do for others and that giving is truly better than receiving
The stuff for the 15 year old girl
Somewhere in the last month my adorable, sweet, 8 year old has turned into somewhat of a brat. It's probably no fault of his own because as the first child/grandchild he has been indulged most of his life. Now that isn't to say that he gets what he wants all the time. We only really buy toys and new stuff at Christmas and birthdays. When he wants something new I usually have him use his own money, or match it if he works for it.
I had finally had it one weekend when for the 100th million time I had to hear how BORED he was and there was nothing to do. I gave him my general lecture about how lucky he was to have all he has and blah blah, and his eyes glazed over like they usually do when I go on for more than three minutes.
I decided that he needed to see, feel, get a tangible idea of what it was to not have and to give to others. At work we did an Angel tree this year. Children who were in Foster care in our county. I chose a 15 year old girl and then I chose an 8 year old boy for him. I explained to him in great deal what Foster care was, and how this boy was one of four siblings and that he would not be with his parents and may not even be with his siblings for Christmas. We talked about it and he took $20 of his own money and we went shopping. I matched him and with some planning and store coupons we were able to get him a DS game, clothes and a book. He helped me wrap it all and seemed to finally get it. That he doesn't have to worry about any of that and we need to think of others at this time of year.
Yesterday we went to Walmart and the Salvation Army bell ringers were out. I asked him if he wanted to put the money in and handed him a single. He looked at me and said "Mom, don't we have a $5 we can give?" We did just that.
What a sweet story! Sounds like you taught a very valuable lesson. Happy Holidays to you and your family!